Couple/Individual of the Year Mascot Rules
The Kentucky Couple of the Year and Individual of the Year (KY COY/IOY) are announced at the Kentucky Blast. The KY COY/IOY will create a new mascot for each program. From here forward, the Mascots will be presented at the Kentucky Operations meeting. It will be the responsibility of the KY COY/IOY to explain the rules to the initial holder of the Mascot. They will name the Mascot and present all and any items that shall be a part of the mascot and the mascot’s attire.
The mascots must be small enough to be transportable, be in good taste and sufficient to promote a positive social image for our organization.
GOAL: It is the goal of the program to promote visitation between COY/IOY’s and Chapters, and to honor each COY/IOY in the State of Kentucky.
COMPETITION: Couples (or at least (1) person from a COY) and Individuals will compete for the mascot by traveling to State and Chapter events of the holding COY/IOY’s choice. It would be a preference by the MEPC that the COY/IOY offer the mascot at their next chapter gathering/event or another Chapter/State event within two weeks of their acquisition of the mascot. The more the mascots are available, the more opportunities there are for each COY/IOY to acquire the mascot. Each COY/IOY should be willing to complete this task. If for some reason the task cannot be completed, it will be the responsibility of that COY/IOY’s Chapter Staff to select someone to represent them and make the mascot available for capture every two weeks.
POINTS: Each COY/IOY that travels to capture the mascot will receive (1) point. The winning COY/IOY will receive an additional point for a total of (2) points. There will be a drawing for the mascot at the conclusion of the corresponding State/Chapter Event.
The competition ends on July 31st to allow time for the points to be tallied prior to the Kentucky Blast.
At the Kentucky Blast the COY/IOY that has collected the most points will be awarded the mascot. The mascot is theirs to keep.
REPORTING: Each COY/IOY who acquires the mascot will send the information to Karen or Kent Risen within 48 hours of their winning of the mascot. The information should include the names of other COY/IOY’s that were present to compete for the mascot as well as where and when the mascot will be available. The winning couple also needs to contact the State Webmaster and let them know when and where the mascot will be available so the website can be updated.