Our Chapters

Please click on the Chapter logo to go to the website. Click on the Chapter Name to go to the Chapter Facebook page.

Chapter S has changed their schedule and will not meet on the same day each month. Please see the Calendar for specific dates.

ChapterChapter DirectorAssistant Chapter Director Meet Schedule
A-LouisvilleRay & Angela Taylor Kent and Karen Risen2nd Saturday
10430 Shelbyville Road #7 
Louisville, KY
Eat at 11:00am, meet at 12:00pm
C-LexingtonRoger & Karen Early
Jeff Sullivan

Alan Ernest
3rd Saturday
2640 Richmond Rd Lexington, KY 40509
Eat at 11:00am, meet at 12:00pm
G-Northern KYJohn & Mary Eicher
3398 Blackberry Dr.
Erlanger, KY 41018

Open Position2nd Tuesday
American Legion Post 4
8385 US Hwy 42
Florence, KY 41042
Eat (carry in food) at 6:00pm, meet at 7:00pm
K-HendersonBruce & Kathy Hensley
12991 Hwy 136
Henderson, Ky
Open Position1st Saturday
Diamond Echo Lanes
1698 Second St
Henderson, Ky
Meet at 11:30am, eat at 12:00pm (Central Time)
S-ElizabethtownSteve & Debi Pugh David & Phyllis Rock Please see the Calendar for dates.
1046 Executive Drive
Elizabethtown, KY
Eat at 4:00pm, meet at 5:00pm
T-PaintsvilleBuddy and Jeannie McKenzieOpen Position3rd Saturday
Giovanni’s Pizza
261 Court St.
Paintsville, Ky.
Eat at 5:00pm,  meet at 6:00pm
Y-MayfieldDan & Rita Bondurant
Richard Thomasson 
1st Thursday
Majestic Family Restaurant
700 S 6th St
Mayfield, KY 42066
Eat at 6:00pm, meet at 7:00pm (Central Time)